Trinity Episcopal Church of Rutland, VT
Get Involved
Our congregation has been a visible and active presence in our community. We volunteer in the community for events and share our space use with various support groups. Our service opportunities changed a little during the pandemic but we still managed to be Jesus' hands in the world. Nonetheless, we always strive to find ways in which our unique gifts and talents can be used to the glory of God in service to our neighbors.
Because of the "essential" nature of their service, we provided space for the American Red Cross's blood drives.
We hosted a drive-thru sock drive for the homeless.
We maintain our commitment to Dismas House to provide dinner for the residents once each month. Dismas house is a supportive community for former prisoners transitioning from incarceration.
Individuals also deliver food to the Rutland Community Cupboard and to BROC's food shelve on a regular basis.
We encourage members and friends of Trinity Church to share ideas for ways we serve our community. Do you see a need that is not being met? Let's talk about it!
Relevant Links
Episcopal Church Links
Episcopal Group and Organization Links
The Order of the Daughters of the King
Episcopal Relief and Development
The Diocese of Vermont